The only thing that could make this better is Yakety Sax.
Bill's blog. Writing, guitars, gratuitous Simpsons references, you'll find it all here. Almost certainly a waste of time for both you and the author. On the internet, that's actually a plus.
Wrestling Wednesday: The Ultimate Warrior
The Ultimate Warrior
June 16, 1959 – April 8, 2014
Wrestling Wednesday: Hurricane Helms performing...some kind of...hmm...
I don't know what you call this move, but it's great.
Wrestling Wednesday: Top Rope Belts
Top Rope Belts lets you get your hands on your own title belt without having to hit anybody with a steel chair. Belts go anywhere from $1,500 to $3,000--a lot of money, but when I get my Rich and Famous Author Contract, I could see picking up the old-school WCW heaveyweight title belt.
Wrestling Wednesday: Chris Jericho is the Man of 1004 Holds
Hold 2: Arm bar!
Hold 3: The moss-covered, three-handled, family gredunza!
Hold 4: Arm bar!
Jericho is the best.
Wrestling Wednesday: The Gobbledy Gooker
Enjoy some turkey for your Thanksgiving dinner.
Wrestling Wednesday: NES Pro Wrestling
A winner is you!
Wrestling Wednesday: Mick Foley forgives, but does not forget getting shafted by Tony Schavione
A funny behind-the-scenes tale from Mick Foley.
Wrestling Wednesday: Hypnosis finishing move
Wrestling Wednesday: The Grenade finishing move
A noble (and confusing) sacrifice in the squared circle.