
Bill's blog. Writing, guitars, gratuitous Simpsons references, you'll find i​t all here. Almost certainly a waste of time for both you and the author. On the internet, that's actually a plus.

Your NaNoWriMo Road Map: My New Column

Check out "Your NaNoWriMo Road Map," a day-by-day guide to finishing your novel for National Novel Writing Month. Read up on some gems like these:


Day 3: The words are coming more slowly now, which is to be expected. Give yourself permission to write poorly in the name of getting words on the page. When you read it later, you just might surprise yourself with how your protagonist exhibits the mannerisms of your cat. Word count: 1,100.

Day 10: Coffee and soda and candy and cookies and whee! Word count: 3,200

Day 11: Beer and whiskey and potato chips and cigarettes and uuunnnggghhh.Nineteen words.

Day 14: Your blood is now twenty percent espresso. The pizza guy visits your house more frequently than the mailman. You’re sleeping five hours a night. These measures feel extreme, but the extra free time will seriously boost your output, right? Word count: 800 words.

Read the whole thing at Writer Unboxed.

Your NaNoWriMo Road Map