
Bill's blog. Writing, guitars, gratuitous Simpsons references, you'll find i​t all here. Almost certainly a waste of time for both you and the author. On the internet, that's actually a plus.

Homemade PVC bike rack

My two boys and I built a bike rack out of PVC pipe. We used a design I found online, got some supplies at Home Depot, and got to work.

It cost about $45 in parts, some of which I can get back because I didn't end up using the PVC cement. It was a fun project and really uncluttered our porch.

The hardest part: cutting all the pieces of pipe to the correct size. It's not especially difficult, just time consuming. Also, the PVC shavings that my saw made left a snowstorm on my porch. I tried to convince my wife it made the place look like a winter wonderland.